Tuesday April 25, 7:00 pm, 1912 Building, Great Room, 412 E 3rd St, Moscow, ID: “Wetland and Riparian Restoration in the Potlatch River Watershed – from Faux Beaver Dams to Skinny Weasel Graves*”
Trish Heekin (Resource Conservation Planner, Latah Soil and Water Conservation District), and Susan Firor (Principal Restoration Engineer, TerraGraphics Environmental Engineering) will present an overview of restoration projects completed over the last decade in the Potlatch Watershed. The impetus for these projects is protection and enhancement of habitat for endangered steelhead. But they take a larger view of habitat, and some of the elements implemented might surprise you. Topics will range from beavers to vegetation, and cover many concepts in between!
*No weasels were injured in the making of this restoration project.