Wood River Presentation April 6

leaf dawings
Exploring the beautiful colors of fall

The Wonder of Nature Journaling

Presented by Wood River Nature Journal Club Cofounders Poo Wright-Pulliam & Kimber Traue at Town Center West (across from Hailey Library) at 2:00 p.m.

Nature Journaling is collecting and organizing your observations, questions, connections, and explanations on the pages of a notebook using words pictures, and numbers. You do not need to be an artist or a naturalist to begin. These skills can be learned by anyone!

Poo & Kimber started the Wood River Nature Journal Club in November, 2022 and have been pleased with the warm community of learning, sharing & friendship that has developed through their monthly meetings. This presentation for INPS will provide an overview of the club and introduce methods and benefits of nature journaling.  The presentation will also include hands-on activities for exploring this creative and mindful practice.