Donate to INPS

INPS, a statewide organization with local chapters, promotes:

* interest in native plants and plant communities,
* collecting and sharing information on all phases of the botany of Idaho native plants, and
* understanding and appreciation of our native flora to preserve this rich heritage for future generations.

Donations to INPS supplement membership dues, allowing INPS to develop and provide special program support and services for many native plant activities, including the Idaho Rare Plant Conference, statewide annual meetings, and other mission-related projects.

Donations to Education, Research, and Inventory Grant Program (ERIG), sponsored by INPS, have a narrower purpose. Gifts will enable funding annual grants for applications that propose a specific project to stimulate research, conservation and educational activities involving Idaho’s native flora or plant communities.

Gifts to the INPS Scholarship fund will be used to award annual scholarships of $2000 each. We select college or university students who apply because they are interested in understanding and appreciating Idaho’s native flora.

The donation form may also be used to donate to specific chapters, programs and activities. Or you may choose to give directly to your chapter treasurer.

All donations are welcome and will be used for native plant enrichment! Thank you.

Link to Donation Form