Friday through Sunday, July 8-10, 2005
Challis is located in the Lehmi Valley where the Lewis & Clark party first entered present-day Idaho after crossing the Continental Divide. Challis is one of the most arid places in Idaho and has an active geologic history. These factors may contribute to the numerous endemic plant species in the Challis area, also known as the Challis endemics.
We will explore the Challis area and hopefully encounter the following Challis endemics: Challis crazyweed (Oxytropis besseyi salmonensis), Challis milkvetch (Astragalus amblytropis), Lemhi milkvetch (Astragalus aquilonius), Salmon twin bladderpod (Physaria didymocarpa var. lyrata), wavy-leaf thelypody (Thelypodium repandum), and Welsh’s buckwheat (Eriogonum capistratum var. welshii).
Here is the itinerary for the weekend:
Friday, July 8, evening-Meet at Challis Hot Springs for botanizing and camping.
Saturday, July 9, 8am-Meet at Challis Hot Springs for a field trip to Malm Gulch,
where we will visit a petrified forest of giant Sequoias and look for Challis endemics.
Afterward, we may visit additional locations that may include Spar Canyon, Pahsimeroi, and various desert gulches.
Saturday, July 9, 6pm or upon return from the field trip-There will be a potluck barbeque just south of the campground at Challis Hot Springs. Bring a barbeque item for yourself and a potluck dish to share!
Sunday, July 10, 8am-Steve Rust will host the 2005 INPS Annual Meeting.
Sunday, July 10, 10am-Wrap up the weekend with one last field trip (TBD).
Complete details are in the flyer.