Search for detailed information and links to a variety of resources online (in alphabetical order by subject name).
- Idaho Wildflowers App
- Wildflowers of Craters of the Moon
- My Garden Answers App
- iNaturalist
- Leafsnap
- Monarch/Milkweed Mapper
Botanical Databases
- Flora ID Northwest
- Flora of North America e-flora
- National PLANTS Database
- NatureServe
- Burke Museum
- Digital Atlas of Idaho
- Consortium of the Pacific Northwest
- Mid Snake River Watershed Vegetation Database
- BONAP — N. American Vascular Flora
Idaho Native Plant Guides
- Native Garden Guide for Southwestern Idaho (search online)
- Landscaping with Native Plants
- Boise area native plants
- Landscaping with native plants of the intermountain region
- Northern Idaho guide
Idaho Powerpoint Presentations
In the Boise Area (Wildflower Walks and Trails)
(Please note: This section may not be updated regularly, so please check information on opening and closing periods carefully. We are sharing information and not responsible for the information, so please check the source of the content.)
Native Plant Sellers & Landscaping Services
This listing is a suggestion and not meant to be an endorsement of any of the listed companies, nor is it meant to be a comprehensive list.
List of Sources for Idaho Native Seeds and Plants_Colson_041720
Non-local Native and Xeric Plant Nurseries, Intermountain Region (PDF)
- Cedar Mountain Perennials: (Native Plants for the Inland Northwest)
Jill Wilson, 7875 E Highway 54, Athol, ID 83801, (208) 683-2387 - Draggin’ Wing High Desert Nursery:; (plants, demo gardens and landscape design). Diane Jones, (208) 345-4199, 5300 Stinger St, Boise, ID 83703
- Fancy Fronds: Mail order. PO Box 1090, Gold Bar, WA 98251. (360) 793-1472.
- Flutterby Gardens: Boise, ID and surrounding areas. (208) 571-2170.
- Native Roots: 2475 3600 N, Twin Falls, ID 83301. (208) 944-2717.
- Plants of the Wild (wholesale): PO Box 866, Tekoa, WA. (509) 284-2848
- Plant Natives Nursery: 18386 Daffodil Lane, Lewiston, ID 83501.
- Prairie Bloom Nursery (retail): Moscow-Pullman Rd., Pullman, WA
- Sego Lily Native Gardens: Boise, ID. Holly Hovis, owner. (208) 602-5592.
- Twin Peaks Nursery: Jim Crawford, Margo Conits, (208) 634-3062, 51 E Lake Fork Rd, McCall, ID
- University of Idaho Franklin H. Pitkin Research Nursery, College of Natural Resources: 1025 Plant Science Rd., Moscow, ID 83843. - Wildlife Habitat Nursery:1025 E Hatter Creek Rd, Princeton, ID 83857.
- Xeric Gardening (Native Plant Landscaping Service): Boise, ID. . Peggy Faith, owner. (208) 850-9981
Native Plant Societies of the Western United States
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- Oregon
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
- Kinnikinnick Native Plant Society
Online videos/webinars/presentations
- Buzzworthy Tips, Building the Ultimate Pollinator Habitat, Chinden Gardeners Club
In Idaho
- The Idaho Academy of Science
- US Forest Service — Intermountain Region
- Bureau of Land Management–Idaho
- Great Basin Native Plant Project
- Treasure Valley Native Plant Network
- The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
- National Plant Conservation Alliance
- North American Native Plant Society
- Native Seed Network
Other Resources
Noxious Weeds
- Idaho Noxious Weed List — includes photos and descriptive information.
- USDA APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine Noxious Weeds
- INVADERS Database
- Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds
- Weed Science Society of America
- Bureau of Land Management Invasive Weed Information
- Weeds Gone Wild — Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas
- Tamarisk in Idaho (.PPT)
Rare Plants
- Idaho Natural Heritage Program
- Field Guide to the Special Status Plants of the Bureau of Land Management Twin Falls District, Jarbidge Field Office Area
- Endangered Species Program, US Fish & Wildlife Service
- Rare Plants of Idaho publication
Regional Herbaria
- Ray J. Davis Herbarium, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho
- Stillinger Herbarium, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
- Harold M. Tucker Herbarium, College of Idaho, Caldwell, Idaho
- Snake River Plains Herbarium, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho
- The Lewis & Clark Herbarium
- The Intermountain Herbarium
- Rocky Mountain Herbarium
- Oregon State University Herbarium, Corvallis, Oregon
- University and Jepson Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley
- The Marion Ownbey Herbarium, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
- University of Washington Herbarium, Seattle
- Whitman College Herbarium, Walla Walla, WA
Student/Teacher Resources
Resources shared from and for students and/or teachers. INPS does not necessarily endorse these.