Sage Notes: Our Quarterly Newsletter

Sage Notes Drawing


Sage Notes, our quarterly newsletter, informs members about local and statewide issues, activities, and events. Past issues of Sage Notes have featured:

  • rare plant conservation
  • drought tolerant landscaping
  • lichens and mosses
  • exotic species
  • restoration
  • descriptions of botanically unique areas in Idaho
Sage Notes Past Issues


Authors of Sage Notes articles have given their permission for reproducing their work on-line. To use their material for educational and personal use, please cite the original author or illustrator and the of Sage Notes. Commercial use is not permitted without permission from Sage Notes Editor, Idaho Native Plant Society, PO Box 9451, Boise, ID 83707.

  • Articles in Sage Notes reflect the views of the authors and are not an official position of the Idaho Native Plant Society.
  • Submission guidelines for articles are that they are submitted as a WORD document file (.doc or .docx). Please title the file appropriately so we can make sure to correctly identify it. Please submit photos as .jpg or .tif files. Keep in mind that the resolution should be a minimum of 300dpi with an output size of 5.5″ x 4″ and a pixel size of 1600 x 1200. You should have rights to use the images that you submit with your article.
  • For other questions about Sage Notes Submission Guidelines please contact