White Pine Plant Sale May 16

Saturday, May 16, 2015, 9:00am to noon:  INPS White Pine Chapter 4th Annual Plant Sale
Coordinator:  Pamela Pavek
Location:  1912 Center, Arts Room, 412 East 3rd St., Moscow, Idaho (between Adams and Van Buren)

This is an important fundraising event for our chapter, enabling us to provide grants for native plant projects. The sale introduces more people to the joys of gardening with native plants and increases the number of native plants in our landscapes which benefits our local ecosystems.

You can help with this successful event in one or more of the following ways by:

1. Digging up seedlings or vegetatively propagating native plants on your property and placing them in pots. Pots should be free of grass and weeds, and labeled with common name or scientific name. Donated plants from volunteers are very important for the success of the sale. Contact Pamela using the email link above when you have an idea of the species and numbers of plants you are able to donate—or for assistance with species identification or propagation technique.

2. Volunteering to help with the sale. Volunteers are needed to help write plant labels, distribute posters, run the sale, and clean up after the sale. Please tell Pamela using the email link above if you would like to be added to the volunteer contact list and the tasks you are interested in.

3. Shopping at the sale! You get beautiful plants for your yard, and the proceeds support vital projects. It is a win-win.

Please look under the Local Chapters tab for White Pine to get additional information, including an availability list.

Need further inspiration?  Read this, supplied by Thad Davis:  NY Times Opinion: Choose plants that help the environment