hugging a tree

Wood River Chapter (Blaine County)

The Wood River Chapter includes Carey, Picabo, Gannet, Bellevue, Hailey, Ketchum, Sun Valley and all of Blaine County. We love to get out on trails throughout the year but generally focus on speaker presentations in the cold months and field trips in the warm(er) months. Our events are open to all, although we do offer a couple of events, campouts etc., each year for chapter members only. Besides scheduled events, we offer pop-up events at the last minute, which we announce via our email newsletter.

You can find out about all our programs by subscribing to our email newsletter, which is open to anyone. Just send an email to and say you’d like to be added to the newsletter list.

You don’t need to know much about wildflowers to hang out with us. Our group consists of professionals, photographers, hikers, birders, butterfly lovers, tree huggers, and lots of folks who just think plants are pretty. You’ll fit right in!

See upcoming talks and walks below…Everyone is welcome!

2024 Officers:

Mary McClanahan, president
Jay Dorr, vice president
Paul Ries, treasurer
Ted Stout, secretary
Patti Dorr, member-at-large
Kristin Fletcher, member-at-large
Carol Henry, member-at-large
Lisa Horton, member-at-large
Deanna Schrell, member-at-large
John Shelly, member-at-large
Kimber Traue, member-at-large
  • » Wood River Presentation March 27

    “Landscaping with Natives-An Introduction to Using Native Plants in Your Home Landscape” Presented by long-time gardener and horticulturist Mindy Rider at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 101 2nd Avenue, in Hailey at 6:00 p.m. By popular demand, the Wood River Chapter of the Idaho Native Plant Society has invited back long-time gardener and horticulturist Mindy Rider to […]

  • » Wood River Presentation April 6

    “The Wonder of Nature Journaling” Presented by Wood River Nature Journal Club Cofounders Poo Wright-Pulliam & Kimber Traue at Town Center West (across from Hailey Library) at 2:00 p.m. Nature Journaling is collecting and organizing your observations, questions, connections, and explanations on the pages of a notebook using words pictures, and numbers. You do not […]