March 20: Plant Identification Night!
Come join us at the Boise State University Herbarium with our local plant identification expert, Jim Smith, where we’ll learn how to identify some of your favorite native plants in the mustard family (Brassicaceae).
Time: 7:00pm
Location: BSU Science and Nursing, second floor room 248 (SN248).
If you can bring some plants from the mustard family to key that would be great! See you there!
April 17: Getting Native Plants Into Our Landscapes:
Steve Love from the University of Idaho will be traveling to Boise to give us an informative presentation on native plants.
Location: MK Nature Center Auditorium, Idaho Fish and Game
600 South Walnut Avenue (Behind Fish and Game Headquarters)
Time: 7:00pm
May: Foothills Wildflower Walks:
The very popular annual spring wildflower walks are returning this May as part of National Celebrating Wildflowers month. Walks are open to the public and admission is free. Details TBA.
March 28-30: Boise Flower and Garden Show at Boise Centre on the Grove.
Pahove Chapter will host a booth at the 12th annual Spring Flower and Garden Show. Volunteers are needed to help with the booth! Please contact Chris Colson if you are interested (cgcols a msn dot com).
April 19: The Pahove Annual Native Plant Sale.
One of our most popular events, our annual native plant sale is a gardener’s delight. Details TBA. Volunteers are need so please contact Ann DeBolt if you are interested in helping (rosebolt at clearwire dot net).
May 17-18: Idaho Green Expo at Boise Centre on the Grove.
The Pahove Chapter is hosting a booth this year at the first annual Idaho Green Expo, which is a free, two day event that will showcase environmentally friendly products and services and provide information that will help people to lead healthier and more sustainable lives. The Expo will feature over 150 exhibitors and more than 60 workshops and seminars on a variety of green-living topics. Attractions will also include music, speakers, art, food, demonstrations and activities for children. Pahove Chapter will host a native plants and native gardening exhibit. Volunteers are needed to help with the booth! Please contact Chris Colson if you are interested (cgcols at msn dot com).
Volunteer Needed! The Pahove Chapter would like to develop a local chapter website and we are seeking a volunteer to help with website maintenance. Please contact Karen Colson at trilliumkc at msn dot com if you are interested.

Pahove Chapter hosts monthly presentations from September through April on 3rd Thursdays of each month. Newcomers are always welcome. We look forward to seeing all of you at our many exciting upcoming events!