Do you want to see descriptions and plant lists for self-guided wildflower trails in the Boise Front, find out more about the local flora in general, or just learn more about the unique natural history of the Boise Front? If so, keep an eye on, being developed by Barbara Ertter, Paul Shaffer, Bob Gobeille, Jody Hull, and other collaborators. Although still a LONG way from where we’d hoped it would be by now, we’re wanting to let local plant lovers know about this site while the wildflowers are still at their peak. Currently available:

Wildflower walks: Downloadable plant lists are available for all the wildflower walks that Barbara Ertter would otherwise be giving this spring. The walk descriptions themselves are gradually being expanded into self-guided versions, with priority to the ones currently at their best (e.g., Polecat Gulch, Redtail/Currant Creek, Cobb, Miller Gulch). Expect additional walks to receive this treatment as the season progresses.

Photo galleries: At present there is only one photo gallery (Common Early Spring Wildflowers); we hope to have some others up before too much longer.

Species pages: A separate species page is being developed for each plant that occurs outside of cultivation in the defined area Only a template exists for most species at present, with photographs (by Ertter) for many. A query page is still in the works, and the species list itself is still a long way from being finalized (especially for grasses and sedges!)

Coverage at present in primarily public-access lands bounded by Highway 55, Mores Mountain, Arrowrock Dam, Bonneville Point, Blacks Creek Road, Blacks Creek Reservoir, and Hubbard Reservoir.

Enjoy the site now for what’s available, and keep checking for future developments!

Added note: Barbara Ertter’s “Treasures of the Boise Front” Powerpoint presentation is now available on the Idaho Native Plant Society website under

The purpose of this site is to help foster a general appreciation of what’s special about an area that an increasing number of us are calling home.