Pahove chapter news

THE PAHOVE CHAPTER has lots of exciting events planned for the coming year
and we encourage our members to join us and even volunteer to help
with these fun and rewarding events and activities.
We had a wonderful turn out for our Pahove Chapter 2007-2008 season kick-off meeting and annual pizza party at the Idaho Botanical Garden. Julia Rundberg, Director of the Idaho Botanical Garden, was our guest speaker and introduced us to some upcoming garden projects. This was followed by a relaxing stroll through the Lewis and Clark native plant garden which concluded with an incredible sunset overlooking the Treasure Valley.
Our October monthly meeting was equally as popular and featured a fantastic talk by Stew Churchwell of Native and Xeric Plants. Stew discussed the challenges and the benefits of native landscaping: water, maintenance, pests, and the attraction and balance of insects in a native planting were all featured. Stew’s presentation was followed by a Q&A session which provided attendees the opportunity to ask this local restoration professional all those questions they’ve been wondering about!
November 7: Conservation Committee Meeting
The Pahove Chapter holds monthly Conservation Committee meetings. In addition to tackling challenging conservation issues and supporting a number of exciting Pahove Chapter events and activities, we also have lots of fun socializing and talking about native plant conservation. The group is open to all, and includes a mix of seasoned native plant professionals and enthusiasts as well as beginners. Newcomers are always welcome so please come join us! Monthly meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Contact Chris Colson for more information (
Where: The Front Door Northwest Pizza and Tap House, (meeting held in the back room)
105 South Sixth Street (in downtown Boise)
When: 6:30 p.m.
November 15: Grand Canyon’s River and Desert Plants
Come join us for a virtual tour down the breathtaking Colorado River, as Lisa Hahn, botanist and ecologist with the Idaho Conservation Data Center, presents a slideshow of common and not so common plants encountered along her 226 mile trip down the mighty Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park. You don’t want to miss this one!
Where: MK Nature Center Auditorium, Idaho Fish and Game
601 South Walnut Avenue (Behind Fish and Game Headquarters)
When: Presentation begins at 7:00 p.m. ~ Open Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m.
December 6: Pahove’s Annual Holiday Gathering
You definitely want to mark your calendars for our annual festive pot luck dinner and our always popular and entertaining plant exchange game (Details to follow).
Pahove Chapter hosts monthly presentations
from September through April on 3rd Thursdays of each month.
Newcomers are always welcome.
We look forward to seeing all of you at our many exciting upcoming events!