Rare Plant Working Groups

Peppergrass site - Hartley Rd

Updating the Idaho Rare Plant List begins with the Rare Plant Working Groups. There are separate groups for northern and southern Idaho.

Led by Beth Corbin and Derek Antonelli, these two group meets throughout the year to research plants and exchange information in preparation for the Rare Plant Conference held every other year.


  • research plant records
  • do a preliminary run of the NatureServe rank calculator
  • post information to the Rare Plant Working Group dropbox
  • discuss progress at a working group meeting and finalize the rank calculator
  • decide on a recommendation for S rank for each plant
  • decide whether to include on the INPS Rare Plant List

At the RPC, the working group presents a brief information summary and recommendation for each plant, for final decision by RPC participants. Soon after the RPC, the Rare Plant List is updated for all plants discussed at the RPC. On the List, bolded NatureServe ranks indicate plants that have been researched, run through the rank calculator, and finalized at a RPC.

The Rare Plant List spreadsheet also includes a sheet/tab that lists plants that have been considered or previously listed, and information on why they are not currently on the Rare Plant List.


  • Northern Idaho Rare Plant Working Group
    Lead: Derek Antonelli
  • Southern Idaho Rare Plant Working Group
    Lead: Beth Corbin