White Pine Presentation January 19

Thursday, January 19, 2023. 7:00 pm PST, White Pine Chapter meeting
both in person in the 1912 Center LeCompte Auditorium (2nd floor) and a ZOOM virtual presentation.
Presenter: Dr. Bertie Weddell, Conservation consultant and author
Program: Climate-friendly Gardening with Native Plants
Physical location: Lecompte Auditorium on the 2nd floor of the 1912 Center in Moscow, Idaho
The universities in our region have pioneered the study of climate-friendly farming, and many of the same principles apply to our yards. How can we maximize carbon storage and minimize carbon emissions in our gardens? And how can we plan for the ways our native plant and pollinator assemblages may change as the climate changes?
Bertie Weddell is a White Pine chapter member.
She has been teaching, consulting, and writing about conservation in the Palouse and elsewhere for several decades. She is the author of the forthcoming Conservation in the Context of a Changing World.