Help the Foothils and Wildlife by restoring native plants

Volunteers needed! A chance for those in the Treasure Valley to get out and help restore native landscapes damaged in recent fires. The Idaho Statesman (Feb 26) reports that Idaho Fish and Game is seeking volunteers to plant thousands of sagebrush and bitterbrush seedlings during March at several locations. Help the Foothills and wildlife by […]

Pahove Chapter April 8th presentation

When: Tuesday, April 8th at 7pm Where: MKNC What: “Irrigated Wet Meadows, Livestock, and Ducks – Debunking the Bias” presented by Chris Colson with Ducks Unlimited Flood-irrigated wet meadows on private working lands in the Snake River Plain provide the critical staging resources for migrating waterbirds and replaces our lost floodplain functions. The maintenance of […]

Pahove Chapter January Presentation

Where:MKNC When: Tuesday, January 14, 7pm What: Glimpsing Flowers near Turkish and Croatian archaeological site by Caroline Morris Carline Morris will brighten this winter evening by giving us a glimpse of some spring and summer flowers she encountered growing near archaeological sites in Turkey and Croatia. Maybe you can help identify some of the mystery […]