Pahove Chapter (Boise)

Welcome to Our Chapter                                                                    

Welcome to the Pahove Chapter of the Idaho Native Plant Society. We are located in Boise and support the citizens of the Treasure Valley and southwestern Idaho.  Anyone interested in botany, biology, wildlife, pollinators, landscaping, gardening, hiking, photography and/or simply being out in nature is very welcome to join.

Pahove Chapter: 2024/2025

When: Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from October–April at 7 pm. Please be sure to join us again next season starting in October 2024. Updates regarding monthly meetings, botanical news and announcements, and chapter activities will be sent to members via email. This information is also posted on the Pahove Chapter page of the INPS website:

Where: We have been holding our monthly meetings/presentations via Zoom and in person at the MK Nature Center and will continue to do so next season. This allows any  member to view past presentations on our INPS YouTube channel.

Contact: For more information about Pahove Chapter activities visit the website: or email us at pahove.chapter [at] gmail [dot] com

Current Planned Events: 2024

Saturday, June 29th- Lucky Peak Outdoor FUNdamentals program

Past Season Events: 2024

Chapter presentations for the 2023/2024 season ended with an abundance of activities this spring including Wildflower Walks, Adopt A Plot, Boise City Nature Challenge, our Annual Native Plant Sale, an Earth Day Celebration, and our sixth annual Wildflower Plus Show.

Thank you so much to our board members who manage and coordinate these events.  

Thank you to all of the volunteers who make these events possible! We really need and appreciate your help!

And thank you to all of our MEMBERS who support our chapter by attending presentations and events. By being a member, you make it all possible.

Unique Opportunity to View this Presentation

Viewers will have access to the video until June 30, 2024.

Please enjoy this complimentary recording of the program, Flora of Craters of the Moon, with speaker Lynn Kinter. 
You may view this link whenever and as often as you like through June 30, 2024. Please do not share this link, as this is a program intended for members of the Osher Institute and is shared as a courtesy with members of the Idaho Native Plant Society (INPS). For more information about the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, visit or call us at 208.425.OLLI (6554).
by Lynn Kinter
Speaker Bio
Dr. Lynn Kinter is Adjunct Graduate Faculty at Boise State, where she teaches the course Biology 192: The Diversity of Life. She has more than 35 years of experience in plant research and resource management, including work with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, the Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and University of Idaho. She has also taught Botany and Biology at Boise State University and Washington State University. She has a BS in Wildland Recreation Management from University of Idaho, an MS in Botany from University of Wyoming, and a PhD in Botany from Washington State University.
Program Description
The hot, dry volcanic landscapes at Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve support a surprising diversity of plant species. In this lecture, we will cover many showy natives, including milkweeds, orchids, penstemons, monkeyflowers, ferns, and cacti. We will go over rare plants and invasive non-natives. We will also discuss unique geologic features, such as cinder gardens, kipukas, lava flows, and tree molds, as they relate to the flora.
With special thanks to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute for sharing this with us! 

Pahove Presentations: 2023/2024

Chapter meetings with intriguing presentations are held on the second Tuesday of each month from October–April (May) starting at 7:00 pm. We currently offer hybrid viewing formats, both in-person at MK Nature Center and a Zoom link for at-home enjoyment. You will receive more details about presentations via email. We also keep this chapter web page updated.

If you miss a talk, then you can view them on our YouTube channel or scroll down and click on the link below.

October 10: Carol Prentice and Barbara Ertter- Timothy E. Wilcox: Army Surgeon at Fort Boise, Boise’s first resident Botanist/Naturalist

November 14: Kerry Byrne- Cal Poly- Beneath our feet: harnessing the power of the soil seed bank for restoration

December 12: Cathy Ford- Bee and butterfly communities in roadside habitats: identifying patterns, protecting monarchs, & informing management

Jan. 9– Richard Rachman is a plant ecologist and PhD student at BSU. His talk will be about invasive plants in urban areas, mapping invasive plant species using iNaturalist, and the Caughlin lab’s research studying goathead, Tribulus terrestris.                                                                                                                                             
Feb. 13– Michael Mancuso- 25 Peaks Project-  Join Pahove for a trip to the Idaho mountains during our February presentation. Come learn about the Idaho Peaks Project – an initiative to conduct botanical inventories on alpine summits throughout the state. Started in 2022, this all-volunteer project is being conducted with support from the Idaho Native Plant Society.  
Mar. 12– Barbara Ertter- Boise’s Vanishing Flora- The Boise Front has a wonderful diversity of beautiful wildflowers, but can we take them for granted?  Come find out what historical records can tell us, why invasive non-natives are a problem, and what we all can do to help ensure that our wildflowers will still be around for future generations to enjoy.
Saturday, April 20th, 7pm– Cleve Davis- Shoshone Seasons
Tuesday, May 14th, 7pm– Season finale by Peggy Faith


Past Presentations (2020-2023)

These talks can be found on our INPS YouTube channel. Visit us there!




native plant sale


In the Boise area (wildflower walks and trails)

In the Boise area (plant suppliers)

In the Boise area (landscapers)

Many other landscapers also may install buffalo grass and blue grama grass plugs. 

Officers and Committee Members

  • Karie Pappani, President – pahove.chapter.president [at]
  • Susan Ziebarth, Vice President, Plant Sale Manager
  • Michael Ottenlips, Secretary
  • Don Essig, Chapter Treasurer
  • Kirsten Severud, Chapter Membership
  • Karen Getusky, State Treasurer
  • Vicki Henderson, State Membership, Chapter IT Committee
  • Ray Corbin, Member at Large
  • Barbara Ertter, Member at Large
  • Peggy Faith, Education & Outreach 
  • Peggy Faith, Sarah Hill, Daniel Murphy, and Kristy Snyder (currently), Anna Lindquist (previously), Social Media: Instagram & Facebook
  • Jody Hull, Social Media: Facebook and Sage Notes Layout Designer
  • Diane Jones, Website Committee
  • Beth Corbin, Southern Idaho Rare Plant Working Group Lead

Write to the Pahove chapter at

(Please read below to learn more about what our local chapter of the Idaho Native Plant Society does for our flora and fauna and our community.)
The Pahove Chapter:
    • supports native plant demonstration gardens at schools, local businesses, in our city, and other surrounding areas across the Treasure Valley

    • supports native plant restoration projects, such as the Yankee Fork project, the Birds of Prey Center project, and the Boise River project

    • funds native plant related publications, such as the Native Plant Coloring Book, Native Plants fandex, and Mirabilis brochure

    • funds teaching materials, such as field guides

    • sponsors plant workshops, such as the Astragalus, Brassicaceae, and Aquatics workshops

    • sponsors and staffs the Idaho Rare Plant Conference

    • contributes articles to our Sage Notes newsletter

    • hosts an annual Native Plant Sale

    • hosts an annual Wildflower Plus Show

    • donates to our state’s herbaria

    • donates to the MK Nature Center

    • donates to the Idaho Botanical Garden and its Idaho Native Plant Garden

    • donates to the ERIG (Education, Research, and Inventory Grant)

    • awards Education and Enrichment for members

    • offers monthly presentations (Oct.-April) on botany, nature, and other scientific topics

    • offers field tours/field trips to members

    • offers comaraderie

    • stays informed about conservation issues and shares information with our chapter members

    • stays connected with our community

    • and much more…

  • Wildflowers of Southern Idaho Coloring Book

Take this coloring book along with you when you are hiking, photographing, or simply enjoying the outdoors. Published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Pahove Chapter of the Idaho Native Plant Society, this coloring book may be reproduced but not sold. Share it with every child you know!

Wildflower Coloring Book

Plant These, Not Those (brochure drafted 2022)

This brochure offers ecologically appropriate alternatives to a handful of commonly available ornamental plants that pose a threat to our natural communities. 2 pages. Credit: Anna Lindquist and Pahove Board Members

Plant These! Not Those!. INPS. Pahove. v.FINAL (2) (1)-1

  • » Pahove Presentation May 14

    Introducing Native Plant Gardens into your Home by Peggy Faith, May 14th, Tuesday, 7pm, MK Nature Center

  • » Pahove Wildflower Show May 12
  • » Pahove Wildflower Walk, April 10

    Lydle Gulch Wildflower Walk, Wednesday, Apr 10, starting at 1:30 pm Weather and trails permitting, our next Pahove Chapter wildflower walk will be next Wednesday afternoon, April 10, to Lydle Gulch in the Lucky Peak Dam Recreation Area, led by local botanist Barbara Ertter (  Meet at the Lydle Gulch trailhead on the southeast side […]

  • » Pahove Presentation April 20

    Our next presentation will be on Saturday, 04/20/24, at 7pm instead of our usual 2nd Tuesday of the month. It will still be in person at the MK Nature Center and also via Zoom. Oral Traditions on Nature and Newe Seasons by Dr. Cleve Davis, author of the upcoming book “So Long as Game May […]